Monday 29 October 2018

Define Your Profile & Rejuvenate Your Face - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Getting older will happen to us all, and the worst part is looking in the mirror and noticing the way our face is changing. We might see our face beginning to sag, bags appear under the eyes, we might notice the start of jowls and the lack of definition at the jaw line. Sometimes it's almost enough to make us avoid looking in the mirror because we're so self-conscious of our faults.

There comes a time when we reach a certain age, and we start to notice our facial profile has suddenly become a little blurry. The strong definition of our features aren't as sharp as they were, and we lose volume in various areas of our face; under the eyes will become hollow, the fat pads in our cheekbones will diminish making the face look gaunt, we can develop nose to mouth lines giving us jowls, and the skin's elasticity loosens leading to wrinkles and sagging skin.

There are some treatment options that we can have to rectify this;

Face lift - we can have a full cosmetic face lift. This however is a painful and costly experience which needs good deal of down time. These days lots women, and men, prefer non-invasive procedures that need less recovery time and less self-care after the treatment.

Dermal Fillers - these can add volume to fill in hollows under the eyes, give the skin a gentle lift, creating higher cheekbones or injected along the jaw line to give definition. Injectable treatments have always been a good option for those not wanting a surgical procedure. Dermal fillers give great results and you can return to work the next day with no-one knowing you've had any treatment, they will just be curious to know how you look so fresh and rejuvenated.

PDO threads lifts- at Selston Cosmetic Clinic we've performed PDO thread lift treatment for a few years now and they can make a massive difference. We can use PDO's as a stand alone treatment or use it together with botox and dermal fillers to get a fantastic result.

The PDO threads we use for this treatment are the same ones used in open heart surgery and over the months they will gradually dissolve. All the time the threads remain under the skin, they cause collagen to form by stimulating the fibroblasts, and this also improves skin tone and radiance. Before treatment, local anaesthetic is given which dramatically reduces any discomfort from the injections. We place the threads under the skin, and they lift and tighten the skin by promoting collagen and elastin and smooth the skin by promoting hyalauronic acid, which improves skin hydration. The procedure takes less than an hour and the results last between 12-18 months. PDO thread lifts are essentially a face lift without the surgery. There are no incisions or cuts, just simple injections placed in strategic places.

Areas suitable for PDO threads;
  • Horizontal and vertical forehead wrinkles
  • Sagging eyebrows
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Naso-labial folds
  • Marionette lines
  • Jaw line
  • Creased cheeks

The procedure is almost painless with only a small amount of downtime. You might experience the odd bruise, but these are easily covered with light make-up. If you want to redefine your face, but you don’t want invasive surgery, then PDO thread lift treatment is an ideal solution.

Clinic Manager.

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