Friday 28 February 2020

Advanced Laser Technology To Treat Acne Scarring - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

We will all get acne on our face at least once during our lifetime, after all it's a common skin disorder. Every spot that appears on the skin is a form of acne, but some people are more prone to acne outbreaks, which will quite possibly leave some scarring on the skin. Acne affects people of all ages, but it's most common in young people, especially during early puberty. These outbreaks are very common for both men and women from their twenties to their forties, although it does occur outside of this age range.

Lots of things can cause acne; a bad diet, stress and chocolate, but it's genetics, hormones, clogged up pores and bacteria which are the main causes. Usually, we think it's teens who have to deal with facial acne, but unfortunately lots of adults also suffer with it, with many people having acne breakouts in their thirties, forties, and even fifties. 
  • As we grow up, the body starts to develop and this causes an increase in hormones. 
  • Hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum and these glands can become overactive, causing the pores of the skin to become clogged with excess oil or sebum, causing acne.
  • Blackheads and white heads occur when plugs block the top layer of the pores.
  • When acne becomes inflamed the contents become hot and infected, causing the bacteria blockage to rupture through the skin's surface.
Correct medical treatment can treat acne scarring, but there are things we can do to help prevent the causes and discomforts of acne, before it has the chance to leave any scars.
  • Food allergies can cause some outbreaks of acne. Cut out the food you think might trigger your acne for a few weeks, and look for alternatives.
  • Harsh ingredients in soaps can dry out and irritate the skin leading to acne breakouts. Try using a gentle cleanser for the face and make sure you don't scrub the skin too hard.
  • Avoid touching your face, as throughout the day our hands pick up dirt, germs and bacteria, transferring to the skin when we touch our face, which can cause the pores to clog up. If you pop and squeeze your pimples, it will only make them worse because you're passing the bacteria from one part of the face to another and risk causing scarring.
  • Water is very important to the body, and drinking eight glasses of water a day will help to keep the body and skin hydrated. Drinking water will flush out the toxins in your system and cleanse your cells of built-up waste.

Selston Cosmetic Clinic uses the most advanced laser technology to offer a safe and effective way for the treatment of mild to moderate acne scars. Our dual wavelength laser system is non ablative (the surface of the skin remains unchanged) so there's virtually no healing or recovery time. The gentle lasers reach deep down to the collagen level of the skin and the precise therapeutic laser energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin fibres. This dramatically improves the appearance of acne scars. Laser treatment has a proven safety record and gives lasting results and there are no side effects.

Clinic Manager.

Monday 24 February 2020

Laser Skin Resurfacing to Treat Pigmentation - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & ChesterfieldTo

We get skin discolorations for a variety of reasons and the effects can become more obvious as we get older, getting worse if left untreated and unprotected. Pigmentation refers to changes in the melanin in the skin, but there are different types and they don't all respond to the same treatments.

There are a number of reasons that pigmentation can become visible on the skin;
  • Excessive sun exposure causes pigmentation, due to the sun's damaging rays. The skin reacts to the UV (Ultra Violet) rays from the sun and the effects will only increase with age. Wearing sun protection daily, especially on your face is the best way to stop pigmentation from starting.
  • Hyperpigmentation - There are cells in the skin that make melanin, which is responsible for the colour of the eyes and hair, as well as the colour of the skin. When the cells get damaged or are unhealthy we produce extra melanin, resulting in inconsistent dark colouration or blotches on the skin. Increased sun exposure will also darken any previous areas of hyperpigmentation.
  • Hypopigmentation - When there's a decrease of melanin we'll see pale almost white patches appear on the skin. Vitiligo and albinism are skin conditions that cause hypopigmentation, for which unfortunately, there is no cure.
  • Trauma, such as burns, acne, infections, or inflammation can cause increased pigment production. Skin peels and microdermabrasion when used inappropriately, and chemical treatments can have an adverse effect when applied incorrectly.
  • Hormonal pigmentation - Oral contraceptive tablets can sometimes cause pigmentation, usually developing slowly after starting a course of the pills or if you change brand or dosage strength, but it might also occur after taking them for a long period of time.

Skin pigmentation is a common worldwide skin problem. Pigmentation refers to discolouration of the skin, and it's more likely to show up on those with light coloured skin, rather than those with dark skin tones. Pigmentation can occur either on the face or body, and it will appear more prominently as we get older, and this causes many people to look for a way to improve it.

Laser skin resurfacing, also known as fractional skin resurfacing is a highly effective treatment to fade, or take away unwanted skin pigmentation and irregularities, such as acne scars, freckles, spider or thread veins and sun damage. Selston Cosmetic Clinic uses the most advanced laser technology, which offers a safe, effective and easy way to treat irregular pigmentation. Laser skin pigmentation treatment is safe for the face, hands, neck and chest and gets effective, outstanding results every time. There's no recovery time after treatment, and you can return to normal activities straight away.

Clinic Manager.

Friday 21 February 2020

Ease Nasolabial Grooves With Dermal Filler - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Everyone who looks at our face can easily see any obvious signs of ageing, after all, it's not a feature we can hide. How fast these signs of ageing happen varies from one person to another. There are lots of things which contribute to these changes, such as; our lifestyle, environment, genetics and our gender.

Dermal filler injections can improve lots of specific areas from ageing signs, with treatments such as; non-surgical nose-jobs, replacing volume in the chin, cheeks and tear troughs, plumping up thinning lips and improving the deep folds of laughter lines.

Deep nasolabial folds, or laugh lines are the large visible lines that run from the nose to the side of the mouth. Genetics and our facial structure partially decide how prominent and deep the nasolabial folds will get, and repeated facial expressions and the ageing process will exaggerate the lines, making them deeper.

The natural ageing process and the effects of excessive sun exposure can result in the face losing collagen, fat and elasticity, causing the face to sag and lose volume. Losing weight can also affect the face and sometimes not in a good way, as gravity can pull down fat and soft tissue which usually sits high up on the cheeks, causing sagging cheeks. This combined with the effects of gravity can cause nasolabial lines to appear. The smile lines go from the mouth to the nose, and these folds separate the cheeks from the upper lip, generally becoming more pronounced the older we get.

Cosmetic treatments can treat facial ageing in many ways by using effective treatments. Dermal fillers can successfully restore areas of lost volume and injections of hyaluronic acid based filler will also smooth out lines and wrinkles. Dermal fillers are highly effective in correcting nasolabial lines. The filler adds extra fullness to where wrinkles and folds are most prominent, smoothing out lines and restoring and enhancing the facial shape. Fillers will improve your looks, enhance your profile and leave your face with a natural expression. They are a non-invasive, cost-effective alternative to invasive cosmetic surgery and the correction or softening of these folds gives your face a youthful fresher look.

Any side effects, such as redness, swelling, or bruising from the injections, are usually instantaneous, but quickly subside, and a numbing cream can easily be applied to minimise any discomfort. Injectable dermal fillers are an ideal treatment to temporarily improve fine lines, wrinkles and deep-set folds such as nasolabial lines as they can thicken the skin, reduce the lines and also restore and moisturise the skin.

Clinic Manager.

Monday 17 February 2020

Remove Unwanted Fat With Vaser Lipo - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

We all have days when we aren't happy with our body, and when we're feeling a bit fat and frumpy it's only natural that we'll try to disguise it by wearing shapeless clothes, when what we should do is get rid of the unwanted fat. If healthy eating and exercising haven't given you the results you're after, then Vaser Lipo can help.

One of the main reasons why people have Vaser Lipo treatment is to boost confidence in their body image. Lipo is a great, fast solution that lets men and women shape and contour the bits of their body that they dislike most, and can literally change their life for the better, giving them back their self-confidence.

Vaser Lipo can remove unwanted fat deposits and help sculpt your body into the shape you're happy with after a single procedure. Vaser is a precise and minimally invasive procedure and it can easily remove large amounts of stored fat, leaving smooth, even results in the treated areas. There are many advantages and benefits of having Vaser Lipo, it's tissue-selective, targeting just the fat while protecting other tissues from any damage.

It's hard deciding what clothes to wear when we aren't happy with our body, as big hips and outer thighs can ruin the line of a skirt, chunky thighs can become a problem in jeans and trousers and bra fat looks unsightly when it's visible through fabric. Removing unwanted fat from the tummy, thighs, hips or back might also result in a drop in dress size and a fashionable new wardrobe is a great way to boost your confidence.

Vaser Lipo on outer thighs
Vaser Lipo can help to kick-start a healthier lifestyle and we might feel happier going to the gym with a more streamlined body, or feel more confident taking up a new pastime when we're not preoccupied on our body hang-ups. When it doesn't feel like we're getting any results it's very hard to stay motivated, but once our body shape is the way we want it, the more likely we are to work hard to keep it that way.

Vaser Lipo is suitable for almost all parts of the body and it's especially effective for areas where stubborn fat accumulates due to middle age spread and to areas that show resistance to diet and exercise. Vaser targets fat cells that are very close to the surface of the skin and produces fantastic results in more delicate areas such as the neck, underneath the chin and the knees.

Clinic Manager.

Friday 14 February 2020

Add Volume & Enhance Your Lips With Dermal Filler - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

The lips are a main focal point of the face, but by the time we reach thirty our lips can lose volume and become thinner, they can start to get noticeable lines and lose their definition. All this can become even more obvious as we age, making us look older than we are.

Over time the lip volume depletes and there's a loss of contour, leaving the lips looking thinner and flatter. Dermal fillers are an ideal way to enhance the lip volume and redefine the lip shape. It's a cosmetic treatment suitable for both women and men who want to increase their lip size, or for those who aren't happy with their naturally thin lips. Fillers are also a good treatment for correcting lip creases, softening the lines, preventing lipstick bleeds and enhancing the area around the mouth.

When you have decided to have lip filler treatment you should ask the doctor how the filler injections can improve your lips, making sure they know what look you're hoping to achieve. If you're nervous about discomfort, then we can apply a topical numbing cream to the injection area, making your treatment more comfortable. After cleansing and disinfecting the mouth area, the doctor will inject the dermal filler precisely into the chosen areas, using an ultra-fine needle. There'll be only a minimal amount of discomfort and maybe some slight bruising.

* Lip filler treatments usually take less than an hour
* The results are visible immediately
* After treatment a cold compress on the lips can help to prevent swelling
* After your treatment, your lips should feel natural
* Lipstick or other lip products are best avoided immediately after your treatment

You don't necessarily need lots of volume to give you beautiful results as some lips only need a tiny amount of filler to make a big difference. As we get older we naturally lose hyaluronic acid making the lips shrink. A cosmetic doctor can treat the lips, restoring them and making them look like the lips we had in our youth. Lip enhancement treatments will shape the smile, restore the volume and achieve beautiful, fresh and fuller lips.

A good cosmetic doctor will look at your whole face, and keep your lips in proportion, making sure you keep that all important natural look. We would all like beautiful lips with definition and shape to give us a great smile and to compliment the natural beauty of our face.

Clinic Manager.

Monday 10 February 2020

Erase Smokers Lip Lines With Dermal Filler - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

If we feel like we're beginning to look older it's only natural that we might like to reverse the effects of ageing. We will all get some facial wrinkles as we age, especially fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth. Anyone can get lip lines, and things like repetitive movement, sun exposure, smoking and genetics will speed up the process. As their skin is thinner, women tend to get lip and mouth wrinkles more often than men.

The lips are an important part of facial beauty, the shape and appearance of the lips draw the eye, and full, plump lips have become increasingly identified with both youth and beauty. As we get older the natural breakdown of collagen and elastin fibres causes the lip volume to deplete, making them look thinner and flatter.  Many beauty products claim to halt the effects of ageing but there's no such thing and unfortunately our skin will continuously age regardless, but there are some ways to lessen lip lines and wrinkles.

A natural way to lessen lip wrinkles is to exfoliate once a day. This will take away dead skin cells and the wrinkles will appear shallower.
Lip balm
When the lips are kept moist and hydrated it helps to prevent them from drying and wrinkling. Also consider using balm with sunscreen, when out in the sun.
Include food rich in antioxidants, such as leafy vegetables and citrus fruits and fatty omega 3 foods like fish or fish oil supplements into your diet.
Facial exercises
Massaging the face will increase blood circulation and tightens muscles and tissues around the mouth.
Drink plenty of water to replace lost moisture to keep the skin hydrated and plump.

Injectable dermal fillers plump up thin lips, smoothing out vertical lines around the edges of the lips. The filler stimulates collagen production and encourages new tissue growth in and around the injected area. Over time, the body absorbs the gel carrier, while collagen continues to grow at the injection site, replacing the gel with the natural tissue.

Benefits of Lip Injections:
  • Safe and non invasive
  • Quick and effective results
  • Adding volume to thin lips will improve the skin around the mouth
  • Minimal recovery time and side effects
  • Can resume routine activities almost immediately after treatment
Lip fillers offer a quick and effective way to withstand the ageing process. The results are immediate and side effects are almost none existent, although some people may very occasionally experience slight redness, mild swelling and some tenderness after treatment.

Clinic Manager.

Friday 7 February 2020

Dermal Filler Treatment to Replace Lost Volume to Ageing Hands - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Along with the face, our hands are one of the first areas to show signs of ageing. As well as developing age spots and wrinkles, over time we naturally lose collagen which means that the skin on our hands can begin to look thin and wrinkly. Over time they can lose firmness and volume, go dry and scaly and get protruding veins and age spots.

Dermal filler injections to improve the look of ageing hands

Throughout the day we are using our hands, and if we don't take care of them, they might start to look older than they are. The hands cope with years of washing up, daily use, sunshine and environmental factors, which cause the skin on our hands to dry out, and look old beyond their years.

Our skin can look youthful and healthy for longer if we practice a good skin care routine, but unfortunately we don't really give the same care and attention to our hands, as we do to our face. As we get older the veins and bones become more visible because the skin on the hands is thinner and more delicate than anywhere else, and just as we lose fat and collagen from the face and body, we also lose it on our hands, making them look older and skeletal.

As the hands are always exposed to the elements, they probably give away your age more than any other body part. Sun damage is the biggest culprit, which is why we should apply sunscreen to the backs of our hands as well as using a good hand cream at least once a day. Hands usually start looking older in our twenties, although most people don't recognise the signs of aging until they reach their forties and fifties.

Before & After filler treatment on ageing hands

After the face, the hands are the second most visible, tell-tale sign of our age. If you're bothered about how your hands are ageing and your aim is for them to look more youthful, you may want to consider hand rejuvenation.
  • Microdermabrasion treatment will remove dead skin cells and make the skin softer and brighter and help to even out the skin tone.
  • Moisturise the hands after they've been in water and apply anti-ageing moisturiser while they're still damp,
  • Chemical peels take away any dead skin and improve the skin tone, softening the skin and eliminating any brown spots.
  • Laser treatments can promote collagen production, which will help to plump up the skin.
  • Dermal filler injections will correct volume loss on the back of wrinkly hands, improving the skin quality and plumping your hands up. A dermal filler treatment with hyaluronic acid, will add volume to the skin and make them wrinkle-free.
It seems a shame that when women take such good care to keep their face looking as good as possible, they find that the face and hands don't really match. The hands can look so much older than the rest of you and the loss of volume, fat and elasticity just accentuates the differences, making dermal filler treatment an ideal solution.

Clinic Manager.

Monday 3 February 2020

Vaser Lipo Treatment to Reduce Man Boobs - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

All men have breast tissue, but unfortunately some have excessive breasts. Gynecomastia (more commonly known as man boobs) occurs when excess fat develops in a man's breast area. It's a medical condition which can affect men of all ages and it causes over-developed breasts in men of otherwise normal weight. Gynecomastia, or man boobs, is a common condition that causes the breasts of boys and men to swell and become larger than normal and it's most commonly found in teenage boys and older men.

Gynecomastia can cause embarrassment at any age, as men who have fatty breasts have probably been teased about having a feminine-looking chest since childhood. Having enlarged male breasts can affect men’s quality of life as they tend to avoid sporting activities where they would have to expose their chest and relationships can also suffer through lack of confidence.

Having man boobs is an issue for lots of men and it can affect all men, no matter what their body size. Vaser Lipo is an ideal treatment to rectify this distressing problem. Gynecomastia is a very treatable condition, and using Vaser Lipo for male breast reduction offers exceptional results and has a positive impact on men's self-image.

Lots of men become anxious over the state of their chests, but now, men are starting to show an interest in Vaser Lipo treatment as it's a quick procedure that's getting fantastic results. Vaser Lipo is a highly efficient yet minimally invasive fat removal procedure that's an ideal treatment to sculpt and refine your body, selectively removing the unwanted body fat, without the need for general anaesthetic.

The Vaser Lipo procedure uses advanced ultrasound technology to emulsify the unwanted fat in the chest area. It's performed using local anaesthetic, using thin probes which avoid the veins, nerves, blood vessels and surrounding tissue, leaving them relatively intact, and the fat is then aspirated. Some results are instant, and over the next six months further body contouring and skin tightening will become clearer.

Vaser Lipo is the gentlest and most powerful form of liposuction available today although some minor swelling will occur. It's a relatively quick procedure and although you will need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks, clients are able to return to work within 2-5 days and get back to more vigorous activities after a couple of weeks. This minimally invasive process is gentle on the body, leaving you with a flat chest and smooth contours that you will be more than willing to show off.

Clinic Manager.