Friday 30 August 2019

Vaser Lipo to Streamline the Tummy - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Beauty isn't just about what we see in the mirror, it should also relate to our health and happiness. The fact is, that when we feel good about ourselves, our self-confidence will get a boost, and having a positive self-image of ourselves will contribute to our overall well-being.

For a woman, although pregnancy and childbirth is an amazing process, it's a major ordeal for the body to go through and it might, unfortunately leave the woman's body with excess fat and stretched and sagging skin. A vaser lipo treatment, can easily treat not only the post pregnancy stomach, it can also bring about skin tightening, which will really improve delicate areas such as; the arms, double chins and the knees, areas that are normally quite difficult to treat.

Vaser lipo treatment on the stomach can take away stubborn excess post pregnancy fat. It can remove fatty bulges, sculpting a beautiful natural contour to the body. The treatment will give the body a more balanced and proportionate look and will help you gain increased body confidence, as well as improving your self-image.

Vaser is an ideal treatment, whether we need it for of areas of stubborn fat that we just can't lose, even when we diet and exercise, to remove fat that has settled on the hips and thighs or maybe a troublesome post pregnancy baby tummy. Removing unwanted fat from the female body with vaser treatment will reveal the soft curves that usually define the female form, contouring the body into a more pleasing shape.
  • Vaser lipo is a gentle treatment which is a lot more precise than traditional liposuction, and it's a good way of removing fat from localised areas that seem resistant to diet and exercise.
  • Vaser lipo involves inserting a thin probe, that emits ultrasound waves, and these loosen the fat cells which are then removed using a suction cannula. There are many benefits with this procedure; minimal pain, bruising and swelling and immediate results.
  • Vaser lipo on the stomach area is a walk in, walk out treatment, and it's designed to flatten, tighten and contour the tummy. Vaser lipo results are immediate and once the swelling and bruising has subsided, you'll get a clear sign of your new shape.

The vaser lipo procedure doesn't involve knives or surgery, making it one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures available and it's ideal for those who are looking for safer, less painful alternatives to traditional liposuction. After your procedure, there'll be a gradual and continual improvement, and by six months you'll be able to see your final shape.

Clinic Manager.

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