Friday 23 August 2019

Remove Back Fat With Vaser Lipo - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

We all want to look and feel the best we can, but unfortunately there are some things that can ruin your perfect look, whether it's the fat on the tummy, flabby thighs or love handles. One of the most unflattering things, is the roll of fat on your back, around the bra line area, which digs in causing the unsightly bulges to show through your tops and dresses. Excess fat in the back area can make your clothes cling uncomfortably, making you seem bigger than you actually are and even if you're fit and healthy, this visible fat can have a profound effect on your self-esteem and body image.

Lots of women struggle to get rid of back fat, and although it's possible to have a healthy lifestyle and have a slim, athletic figure, you can still have stubborn areas of fat that just refuse to go away. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how healthy your diet is or how much exercise you do, the back is one of the hardest areas of the body to lose excess fat from.

Vaser lipo is a suitable treatment for women and men, and it's one of the most popular cosmetic procedures available. It's a procedure which allows you to get definition and curves and will alter your shape and dress size. The ideal clients for vaser treatment are those who are very close to their natural body weight, maybe they're carrying an extra couple of kilo's, but they aren't obese. Vaser lipo is a body sculpting treatment, it's not designed as an alternative to weight-loss.

Every client's vaser experience is different; from the amount of fat that's removed, to how many areas they have treated and so on. Depending upon the amount of fat that needs removing, vaser makes it possible to treat multiple areas of the body during one treatment, and once the fat cells get removed, they are gone permanently. Results are much more defined and noticeable when we remove fatty deposits from localised areas of the body; such as the tummy, back, love handles or thighs. After treatment some clients will see their results immediately, with others it might take up to three to six months to see their final result.

Vaser has the potential to dramatically enhance the shape of your body. If you get into a healthy diet and an exercise routine before the vaser lipo treatment, it will help you keep up your results after the procedure. The best candidates for vaser lipo are those who are in good health and at a healthy starting weight.

Clinic Manager.

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