Monday 25 March 2019

Lose Double Chin & Define Your Jaw Line with Vaser Lipo - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

If you have a double chin it doesn't always mean you're are overweight, it can also mean that the muscles in the chin and neck aren't as developed as they could be. When we get older, our skin loses its elasticity and starts to sag, making it possible for a double chin to develop. Sometimes we don't realise that our jaw line is slowly merging with the chin until someone shows us photos taken in profile, giving us the proof we really didn't want to see.

Loose skin on the jaw line and neck, can result in a double chin or the dreaded jowls. This can cause embarrassment and loss of confidence and might be a sign that you should alter your diet. It is possible to reduce and even get rid of fat in the chin area with a healthy, low-fat, nutritious diet and regular exercise, but if this doesn't work, cosmetic treatment using vaser lipo could be the answer. 

There are people who are genetically predisposed to having a double chin. Our genetics influence the muscle and bone structure and where the fat is deposited on the face. Some get water retention under the chin, and others naturally store excess fat in the chin area. Excess body fat is also a cause of double chins as the body stores fat in different places. It's almost impossible to lose fat from just one place, so if you need to lose fat from your chin, you must lose fat from all over the body. Our age can also determine whether we do or don't develop a double chin, because the older we get, the more our skin thins and becomes less elastic, and this causes muscles to lose their tone, which creates the sagging droopy look.  

If diet and exercise just won't get rid of it, then vaser lipo is an ideal way to get rid of fat from under the chin. It's a straightforward procedure that gives fabulous results. After a local anaesthetic numbs the area, the vaser melts and liquefies the fat cells, which then get suctioned out through thin probes. Vaser lipo is not a method to lose weight or an alternative to diet and exercise but a form of body contouring, which sculpts the body to get the desired look.

Just because you have a double chin doesn't necessarily mean you're old and it doesn't have to mean that you're overweight. But, whatever the cause is, while it's there, it can totally take away the beauty of a face.

Clinic Manager.

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