Friday 22 March 2019

Are You Ready For Vaser Treatment? - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

We all have body issues and at one time or another we'll all feel insecure about the way our body looks. All around us, there are images of men and women who seemingly have no body imperfections, and although we know that these images get enhanced and airbrushed, it doesn't stop us feeling dissatisfied with our own imperfect body.

Sometimes, we wish our body was more streamlined, a bit sleeker and toned, and one way to do this, is with vaser lipo. Vaser treatment is a great way to slim and contour your body exactly the way you want and it's a gentler, more precise method than traditional liposuction, making it an ideal way to achieve your desired shape, but are you a good candidate for this procedure?

Candidates for vaser lipo treatment must consider:

Having relatively good health before your vaser lipo is important, and also that you don't have any illnesses or medical conditions that might stop you from healing properly after the treatment. However, if you do suffer from a particular health condition, your doctor will talk to you about your suitability for vaser lipo.

If you're within 30% of your goal weight, then vaser lipo is an ideal treatment for you. More than 30% then you should probably consider a different weight loss method, as vaser lipo isn't a weight reduction procedure, it's a body contouring procedure.

Having firm skin with good elasticity will help you to achieve the look you want, once your procedure is over. Usually, visible skin retraction takes between 2-4 weeks and gets even better over the 4-6 months following the procedure.

To achieve the best results, many experienced vaser doctors recommend that you start to tone your muscles before you have a procedure, as it helps if you already have good muscle tone before your vaser treatment.

Vaser Lipo treatment on the male chest before and after.
Vaser is a minimally invasive treatment and is a great way to target problem areas and sculpt the body. When faddy diets and hours exercising at the gym just won't get rid of that stubborn tummy, or give you a sleek silhouette, then it might be time to consider vaser lipo.

People choosing vaser lipo treatments should have a realistic idea of what results they want to get. At a consultation the vaser doctor will look at your fat distribution, skin, muscle tone and overall body shape, and will talk you through the procedure. The doctor will give you honest advice on what is, and what isn't achievable. So if you're in good health, have reasonable expectations about the results, if you're within 30% of your ideal weight and have firm skin with good elasticity, then you are a good candidate for vaser lipo treatment.

Clinic Manager.

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