Monday 6 January 2020

Straighten Nose Bumps With Dermal Fillers - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

As a focal feature of the face, the nose plays a vital role in facial proportions and perceived beauty, and it can cause great distress when we have a facial feature that's out of proportion with the rest of the face. Lots of people dislike the shape of their nose, but unfortunately it's a prominent feature on the face, and one that's difficult to disguise. An uneven, bumpy nose can affect your self-esteem, particularly in photographs, and especially when the photo shows your face in profile.

Even making a small difference to the shape of the nose can improve the look and balance of the face. Injections of dermal filler can change a number of variations in nasal shapes, bringing harmony to the rest of the face.

The reasons we get a bumpy nose are either because of:

Genetics - A hook or a bumpy nose is one of many dominant traits that we might inherit though our genes. Whether it's a nose that's large, hooked or bumpy, or a nose that just isn't quite symmetrical.

- A broken nose might not always heal properly and this can leave you with a crooked, misshapen nose. After a nasal injury, calcium deposits and bone growth in the area might form a dorsal bump, or make an existing bump seem even more prominent.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a procedure which involves reshaping or altering the nose, using injectable fillers. Sometimes known as liquid nose jobs, these non-surgical treatments involve strategically placed fillers which can change the nose's appearance if you're unhappy with the shape, or maybe you have an unattractive bump, depression or asymmetry.

Dermal filler treatment is ideal for those who have:

A slightly crooked nose
A nose that needs building up
A hook shaped nose that needs straightening
A mild to moderate bump on the bridge of the nose
A mild to moderate drooping of nasal tip
Noses that need more height, definition and a nose tip

A dermal filler nose job can create a beautiful and desirable nose, which not only helps to shape and straighten the nose, but is also able to lift the tip. There's no downtime needed after the procedure, and any minor bruising or redness usually goes away in a few days and can easily be covered by make-up. Dermal fillers aren't permanent and will stay in the body for about nine to twelve months, so further treatment might be needed to keep up your desired appearance.

Clinic Manager.

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