Thursday 2 April 2009

The Miracle of Macrolane - Breast Augmentation without the Knife

Many women are dissatisfied with the shape, size or positioning of their breasts, this is especially true for many women after breast feeding a child, this is when the breasts have a tendency to drop and droop, just what you don't need along with the stretch marks!

For quite a few years the only way for a woman to regain her original shaped breasts or increase their size was to undergo full breast surgery, this could often leave the patient sore, bruised and very tender for weeks, not to mention the scar from the surgical incision.

I am happy to say that there is a non surgical alternative, Macrolane.

Macrolane breast enhancement injections are made from the same substances that your body uses to maintain skin turgor – hyalauronic acid, so you can easily achieve a firmer fuller breast.

The beauty of these injections is not only the wonderfully natural looking results, but they do not affect mammograms so you can still attend any routine breast screenings without any problems.

For those ladies who do not wish for the world to know they have had to have a breast augmentation, macrolane is a solution. The actual procedure takes about 45 minutes, after this you are back to your normal daily routine, so it's ideal, you can arrange an appointment and have the treatment, then spend the afternoon shopping, there is no need to book weeks off work while you recover, unlike the surgical options.

The only thing you need to worry about is what size bra to take with you to the clinic, after all you will be coming out with larger, firmer breasts than when you went in, so your old bra won't fit!

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