Friday 8 November 2019

An Eyebrow Lift Using Botox Injections - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

When we decide we need to combat signs of ageing, particularly wrinkles, there's no treatment more popular than Botox, but we can also use Botox injections to make changes to some facial features such as the eyebrows. Most of us want to look as good as we can, and a small amount of Botox can enhance our appearance by softening the signs of ageing, it can lift your brow while still making your face look natural. A highly arched eyebrow is a classic sign of youthful beauty.

One sign of facial ageing is the eyebrows, because their shape changes over time they can get a hooded look. A Botox brow lift involves injecting Botox into the muscles, into specific areas of the face. Muscle movement happens through the pushing and pulling of different muscles, and this is something that can easily be altered slightly to create natural looking eyebrows with a high arch.

As you get older your brow may drop or sag, but Botox treatments will allow you to lift the brow, giving your face a younger look and making you look less tired. A brow lift is a Botox injection treatment that can raise the skin tissues around the eyes and eyebrows, to raise the natural eyebrow arch. This treatment can also make the eyes look wider, resulting in a more youthful look. It's recommended that brow lifts are more suited to those with mild to moderate brow heaviness, due to low-hanging eyebrows or naturally drooping eyelids.

The Botox brow lift, or chemical lift, is a popular procedure for those who don't want to undergo invasive surgery. The treatment is ideal for all skin types, and those who have naturally drooping eyelids and low-hanging eyebrows may find it particularly effective. Injecting Botox into the brow will literally lift the skin tissues above and around the eyebrows, resulting in the natural eyebrow arch raising a few millimetres higher.

Botox is a non-surgical treatment, it has many benefits:
  • A safe, effective, tried and tested product
  • It's a relatively affordable cosmetic procedure
  • Treatment needs no downtime
  • When combined with fillers, it can give your whole face a more youthful, balanced look
  • Botox can treat chronic migraines, excessive underarm sweating and other conditions
  • Designed to give attractive, natural and understated results

Botox used in tandem with other injectable treatments can fully rejuvenate the entire face, reducing the wrinkles, plumping up the lips and replacing volume in the cheeks, which will all work together to soften the effects of ageing.

Clinic Manager.

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