Monday 7 October 2019

Vaser Lipo Removes Excess Fat From Man Boobs - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Man boobs, or gynecomastia, is a condition that happens to more than 40% of men, causing them embarrassment and making them extremely self-conscious about their body. Most men would prefer a toned body and chest, but unfortunately some men tend to gain excess weight on the breast area.

Men get man boobs for different reasons. In puberty hormone levels can vary and oestrogen can cause breast tissue to grow if the body's testosterone levels drop. As hormone levels become more stable, the gynecomastia will clear up.

The male breasts can become bigger due to a hormone imbalance between testosterone and oestrogen. If the hormone balance changes, it can cause male breasts to grow. Obesity can also increase levels of oestrogen in the body causing breast tissue to grow, and as men grow older, they produce less testosterone and tend to have more body fat, and this can cause excess oestrogen being produced, and these changes in hormone levels can lead to excess breast tissue growth.

Men with this condition usually try to disguise their fatty breasts from being seen by others by wearing oversized shirts and tops, avoiding activities like swimming which show off the chest or even going to the extremes of binding the chest. Men who are looking for a lasting solution to treat their oversized breasts are now aware of Vaser Lipo, a cosmetic treatment which removes the fat from the breast area.

Benefits of Vaser Lipo:
* Easily removes large amounts of stored fats
* Small incision scars blend into the natural creases of the skin
* Refines and emphasises muscle appearance
* Smooths delicate areas, such as the arms and neck
* Produces visible results after a single procedure
* Minimal discomfort and no risk involved

Vaser Lipo treatment for man boobs uses ultrasound energy to break up fatty deposits in targeted areas of the chest whilst being gentle to the surrounding tissue, nerves, blood vessels and veins. Vaser treatment has a fast healing time that's much quicker than traditional liposuction because of its precise and gentle technique. Vaser Lipo helps to contract and tighten the skin to sculpt the body and won't cause sagging skin but will leave a smooth, contoured finish with a natural defined silhouette.

Using Vaser Lipo treatment for breast reduction is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures among men. Results are immediately obvious, although you will see the finished result some weeks later. For faster healing you'll have to wear a compression garment for some weeks after the treatment.

Clinic Manager.

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