Sunday 21 April 2019

Laser Away Spider Veins on the Legs - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Spider veins seem to appear out of nowhere, one day, your legs will look flawless and the next you'll notice they're marked with visible veins. Lots of people suffer from having red or purple blood vessels on their legs, which are not veins, but usually dilated capillaries, which are commonly known as spider leg veins or thread veins.

These veins appear either; part of the ageing process, caused by over exposure to the sun, poor blood flow and circulation or maybe you simply have a family predisposition to them. We get leg veins when tiny veins congregate below the surface of the skin, causing red, blue or purple discolorations on the skin. Spider veins get their name from the shape of the visible veins, some are quite small, while others are more noticeable.

You can help to prevent spider veins by:
  • Avoid sitting or standing for long periods
  • Try to avoid crossing your legs when you're sitting down as this can weaken the vein walls, causing spider veins
  • Raise your feet when you're sitting down as this will improve the circulation and help regulate the blood flow in your veins. It will reduce swelling in the ankles and calves and will reduce the risk of spider veins
  • Limit the time you spend wearing high-heeled shoes, as heels put extra pressure on your legs, restricting the blood flow from the heart to the legs, and limited circulation can cause spider veins to appear
  • Wearing support tights will stimulate your blood vessels and improve your circulation
Although these veins might make you feel embarrassed, they are harmless and any treatment done on them is usually done for cosmetic reasons only. Spider veins tend to appear mostly on the thighs, ankles and calves, and are more common in women than men. Leg thread veins can run in the family, show up following an injury to the leg, appear during pregnancy or through hormonal changes.

Laser treatments to take away leg veins involve only minimal pain, however, whilst we deliver the laser pulses to the treatment area, some people may experience a light stinging sensation on the skin. Leg vein treatments take roughly 15 to 30 minutes, although the time varies, depending on the number of veins that need treating.

Occasionally, the treated area will be mildly swollen and sensitive for several weeks after your laser treatment. You should keep the area well moisturised and away from sunlight and avoid any strenuous exercise. We recommend wearing support tights or stocks one week after the treatment.

Clinic Manager.

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