Friday 28 September 2018

Lose Unwanted Fat From a Double Chin with Vaser Lipo - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

When you have a firm, chiselled chin it can help to define the shape of your face and profile in a positive way, but over time fat can settle under the chin. Lots of women become concerned that a rounder, fuller face can give the impression that they're fatter than they actually are.

There are some things we can do, to try to help reduce the double chin:

Facial exercises
* Open your mouth and move the lower jaw from right to left, repeating for at least 5 minutes a day for the best results.
* In an exaggerated way, pronounce the vowels - A E I O and U stretching the mouth area wide. For the best results, repeat 15 times a day.
* Open your mouth wide and try to pull your bottom lip towards your nose, moving the lower jaw up and down,
* While keeping your spine straight, roll your head gently, first turning your head clockwise, then anticlockwise.
Chewing Gum
If the cause of the double chin is through weak, sagging muscles then chewing gum is a good remedy (try sugar free) Chewing gum will give your facial muscles and the jaw a workout and help to tone your chin. 
Posture can play a role in reducing your double chin, as sitting for long periods with your head down and your shoulders hunched can cause you to ruin your posture, lose flexibility and weaken the muscles in the front of your neck which encourages a double chin. Sit straight and look forwards.

Even slender people who don't have any excess body weight might get a double chin, and this can happen for a variety of reasons. It might be that your chin is inherently weak, it could be a trait that's been passed along through the family through genetics, gaining excess weight or just getting older. Whatever the reason, most people think that it makes them look older and heavier.

Vaser lipo is a safe and effective way to get rid of excess fat from beneath the chin. A small incision's made under the chin and a cannula gets inserted to drain out the excess fat. This fat gets dislodged and melted, and then the liquid fat is drained. The treatment is relatively painless and needs only a local anaesthetic. The recovery time is brief and there's a very low risk of complications. Once you have completely healed you will appreciate the sharper, more defined chin and a face that's looking healthier and younger.

A double chin isn’t flattering on anyone, and sometimes, no matter how often we exercise or eat healthily, the double chin just won’t go away. People are usually self-conscious of a flabby chin and if it's unresponsive to diet and exercise, then vaser lipo treatment can give you the strong, defined chin that you want.

Clinic Manager.

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