Monday 18 September 2017

Laser Treatment to Correct Pigmentation Marks on Face, Hands & Chest - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Skin pigmentation disorders affect the colour and tone of the skin. Our body contains pigment called melanin which decides the colour of our skin, hair and eyes. People with a darker skin will have more melanin in their skin cells than those with lighter skin, and if the skin cells become damaged or unhealthy, it will affect the melanin production, which in turn, will affect your skin.

Hyperpigmentation can happen for many reasons: over exposure to the sun, genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions or as a result of burns and it can also become more obvious as we get older, causing liver spots and if left untreated, it can worsen. Some pigmentation disorders affect just patches of skin.

Hyperpigmentation -  If your body makes too much melanin, parts of your skin may turn darker
Hypopigmentation -   Too little melanin, or if the cells that produce pigment get damaged, then parts of your skin may turn lighter 

Benefits of laser skin pigmentation treatment:
  • The procedure is safe for the face, hands, neck and chest
  • There's no recovery time, you can return to normal activities immediately
  • It's effective - outstanding results every time
Laser treatment can help resolve these skin pigmentation problems, resurfacing the top layers of the skin and causing sun damage and pigmentation to disappear. Selston Cosmetic Clinic uses the most advanced laser technology to offer a safe and effective easy way to treat irregular pigmentation. It works by damaging the top layers of the skin, forcing the collagen to kick in and start repairing the damage, so after a few weeks the skin will looker plumper and revitalised. The laser system allows us to resurface the skin and as the laser stimulates the collagen production, you’ll see a continuous improvement in texture and smoothness of the skin over several months.

  • Treatment course - 2 treatments, each 4 weeks apart
  • Back to work - Next day
  • Duration Of Results - Permanent
  • Anaesthetic - Local
  • Results - Permanent
Depending on the size of the affected area, the treatment sessions can take between 5 to 30 minutes. In our experience a single treatment session will get the desired result, but occasionally two treatments might be needed. Most clients experience minimal discomfort, although some may experience a minor stinging sensation on the skin during the laser delivery, but we can offer topical anaesthetic cream to make treatments more comfortable. Afterwards, the skin on the treated areas will become darker, but this will flake off after a few days. You’ll most likely be able to see an improvement in skin tone and texture as soon as the redness fades after one treatment.

Clinic Manager.


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  3. Thanks for sharing such a valuable information it was very helpful
    Laser Treatment for Pigmentation in Dubai

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