Friday 19 August 2016

Thinning, Balding Hair Restored by FUE Hair Transplants - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

As women get older, they tend to worry about fine lines and wrinkles, whilst most men take the onset of crow’s feet, and other tell-tale signs of ageing, all in their stride. Men don’t tend to panic about the beginnings of frown lines, and often seem happy enough to accept the extra bit of weight they may have, as a harmless side effect of ageing. What many men do find devastating however, is the receding hairline, which can unfortunately start retreating at an early age, and, at an alarming pace.

The likelihood of men losing their hair, and how fast it will start to recede is mainly down to genes. Although there are other lifestyle factors which can play a part, such as stress, hormones and overall health, but if your father or grandfather lost hair prematurely, that is the clearest indicator that you may too.

Of course not everyone wants or needs to opt for a hair transplant, and there are some lifestyle tips and a tailored regime of medication that may help you keep the hair you do have, for longer. But in the end, you can’t argue with your genes. No amount of special shampoo, massaging the scalp or adapting the diet, will help those men who are predisposed to receding or balding.

However, hair transplant treatments have come a long way in the last few years and there is now an effective, non-invasive option that means you can get your own full head of hair back. And because it is your own hair, it looks perfectly natural, and the treatment has a 100% success rate. Dr Raghu Reddy, is the hair transplant specialist at Selston Cosmetic Clinic and one of his methods of restoring hair to a follically challenged head is the FUE hair transplant technique.

The FUE hair transplant treatment that Dr Reddy performs at Selston Cosmetic Clinic involves taking healthy hair follicles from the scalp, one by one, and grafting them into the bald areas of the head. The hair follicles get transplanted into the same slot that contained previous hair, giving it a better chance of settling in permanently. Unlike previous transplant methods which involved cutting whole strips of hair away at a time, the latest treatment, called ‘Third Generation FUE’, takes the hair follicle by follicle, to insert one by one. This makes for a much more natural result, a quicker recovery time and a less painful treatment process leaving no visible scarring at the back of the head.

A healthy, full head of hair will have about three to four hairs growing out of each follicle. Someone whose hair is thinning will have three, two or even only one hair. Therefore, by assessing the number of hairs sprouting from each follicle on the scalp, and the pattern that this is in, it's possible to see whether a patient is thinning, and how any future hair loss is likely to progress.

We can also treat treat a receding hair-line or a balding crown, correct previous bad transplants and scars at the back of the head as a result of the strip surgery and it's also suitable for women who are thinning too.

This method of transplanting is very intricate and it requires special attention and care. This means the treatment gets done over a number of sessions and not performed in one long exhausting procedure. The grafts usually take in a few days and the redness caused by the treatment settles in under a week.

Clinic Manager.

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