Friday 18 December 2015

Vaser Lipo - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield and Chesterfield.

Vaser Lipo

Struggling to lose weight? Many women – and men – really struggle to shift the pounds naturally, and this is not just because of their lifestyles. Metabolism is a very mysterious thing. Of course we would all rather eat more salad, train at the gym or go running every week, but it doesn’t always work that way.

Stubborn fat seems to gather and settle around the back, flanks, hips, thighs and abdomen. Lots of people accumulate excess fat in specific areas and find it very  difficult to target those problem areas with just diet and exercise. If  you have been keeping fit over the years then Vaser Lipo can be a very effective way to get rid of those unsightly pockets of fat and help to maintain a slim, healthy-looking figure.
After lipo

Before Lipo

No matter how hard you stick to your diet, you can never choose whereabouts on your body that the pounds are going to come off. If you are fed up of always losing weight from your boobs and never enough from your bottom, then Vaser Lipo is really the only solution. This is of course not a replacement for keeping to a good diet and doing exercise, but it complements your other efforts.

It seems more men are turning to Vaser Lipo than ever before. The majority of people want a good set of abs, but this just happens to be one of the hardest areas to shake away excess fat. And it doesn't matter what exercises you do, or the diet changes you make, the abdomen is a difficult area of the body to get looking exactly the way you would like it to be. This is where Vaser Lipo can help to get you on the right track to getting those sought-after abs.

Before Vaser Lipo
After Vaser and exercising

Vaser lipo is a painless and non-invasive procedure which reduces fat in specific areas like hips, arms, chin, waist, back, buttocks and other areas. What's more, it doesn't involve needles or surgery and there is no recovery time. It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures and many patients are looking for safer, less painful alternatives to traditional liposuction.

The procedure only removes the fatty tissues while leaving other tissues intact. Due to this, the skin retracts smoothly and evenly after completion of the procedure and this helps in minimising the pain , discomfort and bruising while promoting rapid recovery and healing. Results will be immediate and once the swelling and bruising has subsided you will get a clear indication of your new contours. There will then be a gradual and continual improvement and at six months you will be able to see your final shape.


About 2 weeks after the procedure, patients can start physical exercises, if they feel up to it. A compression garment is worn during first week after vaser lipo and returning to the gym is a good idea, although it might be rather uncomfortable. It is OK to start with weight-bearing (running, jogging) and stretch types of exercises during first week.

Your results will be permanent if you continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise programme. Vaser Lipo does not stop you from putting weight on in the future but the vast majority of patients will have no intention of jeopardising their fantastic results.

Get the body you've always wanted!

Mags, Clinic Manager.

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