Tuesday 29 September 2015

Vaser Lipo.for Man Boobs / Gynaecomastia - Nottingham and London

Man boobs !
Moobs !
Chesticles !
Man breasts !
Man Cans !

The nicknames are endless but the reality is that the condition can cause low self-esteem, extreme embarrassment and self-consciousness for the men who suffer from it.

Every man has breast tissue, but some have excessive breasts. Gynaecomastia – more commonly known as man boobs is caused when excess fat develops in a man’s breast area. It would seem that a lot of men are becoming increasingly concerned over the state of their chests. Most men don't like going to the doctor when they are sick, let alone for a cosmetic procedure. But now with most vaser lipo procedures performed under a local anaesthetic, men are beginning to show more of an interest.

It can make blokes feel uncomfortable about removing their shirt at the beach swimming pool or gym and can inhibit the development of intimate relationships as well. If you are one of those men, thankfully you no longer have to live with this excess fatty tissue that can be embarrassing and can knock body confidence.

Gynaecomastia is a very treatable condition and male breast reduction procedures can provide exceptional results and have a positive impact on self image. Vaser Lipo is a highly efficient yet minimally invasive fat removal procedure. It uses ultrasound technology to break down the fat before gently removing it. It is a great treatment to resculpt and refine your body contour without the need for general anaesthetic and selectively removing the unwanted body fat.

Vaser lipo can help you to get the desired result, which otherwise is not possible even with strict diet and exercise. Vaser lipo for male chest reduction is done at the Selston Cosmetic Clinic, Nottingham by Dr Bassi. He has performed over 15OO vaser lipo procedures to date and within these hundreds using Vaser Hi Def techniques.

Vaser lipo is regarded as the gentlest and most powerful form of liposuction available today. Make an appointment and have a consultation with us to discuss your issues and we will talk you through the process so you know what to expect at every stage. It's a relatively quick procedure and you can be in and out in an afternoon. 

So if you are looking for a flatter, firmer and more masculine-looking chest, give us a call and we will be happy to answer your questions and discuss all aspects of the procedure with you. Lose those man boobs forever, because let’s face it, women do love a chiselled chest !

Clinic manager

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