Wednesday 1 July 2015

Vaser Lipo...Vaser Hi Def...Nottingham - London

Vaser Lipo is the number one procedure for fat removal. It is performed under local aneasthetic, so you are wide awake and chatting throughout. It can be done under twilight sedation, but this generally bumps the cost up as an aneasthetist has to be present. Most clients opt for Vaser Lipo as it a safer way of  having lipo that doesn't involve being put to sleep.
You can go home the same day and get  on with your life, no hospital stays and no big downtime as for traditional lipo.

We are really busy at the moment as everyone is preparing for Summer holidays and that 'beach body'. But the vast majority of clients are still the gym bunnies who just can not rid themselves of little areas of fat that will just not shift!

The big trend with the guys is to go for Hi Def, the six pack look. For the little extra the Hi Def costs compared to basic fat removal, it really is a no brainer! 
Hi Def is great for people who are within their BMI or who can only pinch an inch or two. Once the six pack is carved out the sky is the limit once the client hits the gym and further enhances their result.

This young man was one of many that travel to us from London after reading reviews on the clinic and Dr Bassi.  He wanted rid of his little paunch and a tad more  definition. He had the procedure in Nottingham and a couple of  weeks later while we were in London performing procedures, we reviewed him there.  He had been following his post op care religiously and having massages to keep the swelling down...and was starting to look pretty good.
Full results will be seen by 3 months as with Vaser the skin continues to tighten up until that point.

This second client also travelled from London for his procedure. As you can see, Vaser has made a massive difference to his body shape. He was quite chunky and now has a more athletic look. Needless to say he is very happy. He has kept in touch and the 'selfie' he sent us shows us a much more confident stance and a great result!

For your free consultation, call the clinic on 01773 861845
Clinic Manager

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