Friday 16 January 2015

Fractional Laser...A proven Treatment!

SmartXide treatment is a cutting edge technology that is used all around the world. It is a simple, effective treatment for people who want to look good by reversing the signs of ageing without the downtime of having extensive, invasive treatments.

People liken the treatment to having sunburn for a few days...this gradually fades to reveal fresh glowing skin.

SmartXide addresses issues such as fine lines and wrinkles, photo ageing, age spots and scarring.
It works by stimulating collagen thus plumping up the skin and taking off the top layers of the skin, getting rid of sun damage, age spots, acne scarring... revealing smoother, younger skin.

Anything between one and three treatments are needed, depending on the severity of your problem. We also use red light LED therapy afterwards to help heal and rejuvenate your skin..also a proven anti ageing treatment. Stem cells can also be used after treatment as we like to use the  multiple modality approach.. the more we put into it.. the more you get out!

Clinic Manager

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Model Looks..Vaser Lipo.. Before and After

This young lady models for a living and just needed to tweek tiny areas . She wanted a sliver off her waist and a tiny amount out of the top of her inner thighs. 
Vaser Lipo took care of this and she came back a week later, already very happy with the results so far! Take a look...

Clinic Manager

Video results Female Abdomen

This is a very interesting story.... this lady in her twenties was a fitness model and the top photo shows how she looked this last Summer. She took on a stressful career that involved copious amounts of studying. By Christmas she had gained 3 stone plus.
She came for Vaser Lipo to reduce the bulk and to kick start her back to the gym regime and diet. 
The video shows how she looks a couple of weeks post procedure, she is still a little swollen and needs to lose the internal fat, but it is a significant improvement so far....
We are all looking forward to seeing her in a few months to see the progression of her results.

Clinic Manager

Video Before and after Vaser Hi Def

Here is a video showing the results you can achieve with Vaser Lipo.  This young guy is several weeks post procedure looking pretty amazing.

Friday 2 January 2015

Vaser Hi Def...2 Months Later

Lots of our long distance clients keep in touch and send updates after Vaser Lipo by phone or giving us the links to their blogs.
This young man kindly sent me the link to his updated blog.. 2 months on. He is really pleased with the result and to be fair so are we!! 

Start the New Year off with a new you! Call the clinic on 01773 861845 for your free consultation.
Clinic Manager