When it comes to those fitting into the standard criteria for laser hair removal we have to say that the results our clients achieve are very impressive, and our clients are in agreement as with us on that.
However our cosmetic team receives numerous enquiries for laser hair removal from clients with blonde hair, fine downy and grey hair. Unfortunately laser hair removal is typically beyond the reach of these hair types and gives very poor results, thus we have no choice but to advise against this treatment... but wait!
Due to the sheer amount of clients whose hair falls into these traditionally untreatable hair types, here at Selston Cosmetic Clinic we have looked into how this issue can be addressed and we are glad to say that soon this will be a reality.
How? Well it is a new treatment called the Alkaline Hair Wash, which can be used as a stand alone treatment or combined with laser hair removal to give that smooth finished hair free look!

Roberta James is a lead Cosmetic Nurse at Selston Cosmetic Clinic and runs the department for the Medical Microdermabrasion, Skin peels, Radiage, Laser Hair Removal and Laser Skin Rejuvenation