Monday 2 December 2019

Tear Troughs - Fill In Eye Hollows With Dermal Filler - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Fresh looking eyes are a big asset to our overall facial appearance, we want to make a good first impression when we meet someone, we don't want them to only notice how tired and drawn we look. As we get older our face changes, and we begin to notice things like loss of volume and the skin getting thinner, and this, along with a natural decrease in fatty tissue and a loss of skin elasticity will cause the area beneath the eye to become puffy and shadowy.

The natural depression that follows the curve of the eye socket, from the nose around to the underside of the eye is known as the tear trough, because that’s where the tears gather. Getting dark circles beneath the eyes are a common problem as we age, and they can make us look weary. As well as ageing; smoking, the environment and stress can also contribute to shadows and eye bags, making them look worse.

When we're young, distribution of fat in our face is even, with some fat pockets plumping up the cheeks, forehead, temples and around the eyes and the mouth. As we get older, we lose volume as the fat shifts downward, making the features that were once rounded start to sink and become gaunt. This means that other parts of the face gain some fat, which tends to settle under the chin and around the jowls in the neck.

The skin around the eyes is very thin and we can see the underlying capillaries much easier compared to other parts of the face, making any diminished circulation, puffiness or swelling much more noticeable. Replacing volume in the under eye area can reshape the entire face and dermal fillers are now regularly used to fill in the hollows. Filling in these depressions can take away the tired look on your face and lighten the dark circles around the eyes.

Tear trough treatment will:
  • Banish dark circles and bags from under the eye
  • Ease wrinkles and lines
  • Add volume to the under-eye area
  • Get instant results that will last around 6-8 months
  • Leave you feeling and looking more youthful

Tear trough treatment using dermal fillers is a non-surgical procedure that can restore your looks instantly. The filler gets precisely injected into the skin using very fine needles, re-creating the plump, firm skin that your under eye area used to have. A good cosmetic doctor with experience of injecting dermal fillers will have a trained eye for what looks good and what will suit your face. It's important to avoid an overdone and unnatural look, aiming instead for natural-looking results to make you look younger and more refreshed.

Clinic Manager.

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