I have done a bit of research and i am seriously considering your 3rd Generation FUE hair restoration procedure. My one worry is shock loss . Do you think I would be a good candidate for the FUE procedure and what are my chances of shock loss?
With regards to your suitability for 3rd Generation FUE, we have very strict protocols for patient selection. Age is always important. Your hair loss may be progressive so this might not be the only procedure you have so we need to plan ahead to look at any future loss.
Looking from a different view , you are only 23 and if your hair loss is affecting you now, then why not have a procedure that will give you a very natural result with no down time!
What I would recommend though is to come and see me for a free consultation before making the final decision.
Regarding your 2nd question on shock loss , yes it is definitely an issue with any kind of hair restoration technique .
There are lots of reasons behind shock loss and this is something I always explain to the patient during my consultation for hair loss. I have my own protocol for prevention of shock loss and it has worked well for me .
Other clinics will have their own protocols for shock loss, but as i have mentioned in other blogs, whichever hair procedure you decide to go for, make sure your surgeon has answered all your questions and issues to your satisfaction, and you are 100% confident in his work.
Dr Raghu Reddy
Hair Transplant Surgeon for Selston Cosmetic Clinic