At some time in our life, nearly every one of us will suffer from spots, and for many this is just a part of life, due to puberty, hormones, stress or diet and thankfully these acne outbreaks soon disappear. Acne usually starts at puberty, it occurs in both sexes and tends to be worse in those with oily skin. In the teenage years, boys tend to have the most severe cases and women are more likely than men to have some form of acne into their 30s and beyond. Although acne usually happens in adolescence, about 20% of all cases occur in adults.
Having acne can happen to anyone and celebrities are just as vulnerable as the rest of us. They may have the resources to receive the best medical care, but they still suffer with the same skin problems that the rest of us do, and acne is certainly no exception. It might make us feel slightly better to know that even glamorous film stars like Cameron Diaz and successful models like Kate Moss sometimes have to deal with acne.

At the Selston Cosmetic Clinic, we use the most advanced laser technology, to offer a safe and effective way for treatment of mild to moderate acne scars.
Using our American FDA approved dual wavelength laser system, which is non ablative, meaning the surface of the skin remains unchanged, with virtually no down time. The gentle lasers reach deep down to the collagen level of the skin, the precise therapeutic laser energy stimulates production of collagen and elastin fibres and this dramatically improves the look of acne scars.
Clinic Manager.
Having acne can happen to anyone and celebrities are just as vulnerable as the rest of us. They may have the resources to receive the best medical care, but they still suffer with the same skin problems that the rest of us do, and acne is certainly no exception. It might make us feel slightly better to know that even glamorous film stars like Cameron Diaz and successful models like Kate Moss sometimes have to deal with acne.

Prevention is always better than a cure, so to help keep the skin healthy and glowing :
- Drink plenty of water. Many recommend drinking eight glasses of water a day!
- Always wear sun screen. The sun rays are powerful and the skin can dry out without proper protection.
- Wash your face twice a day. Freshen up at the start of your day, but remember to do the same at night, as your skin collects a lot of dirt throughout the day.
- Don't over exfoliate your skin. Twice a week is plenty!
Scarring can result from untreated acne or any condition that causes a rash, such as chickenpox, where it's likely you will scratch or pick at the affected areas. There are various types of acne scars, ranging from mild angular or wavelike scars, to more the severe deep pitting or ice-pick scars. Scarring is a natural part of the healing process and certain cosmetic procedures, used on their own or combined, can even out the skin's surface.
- Acne Scar Laser Treatment
- Medical Microdermabrasion
- Dermaroller
- SmartXide Co2 Fractional Laser
- Chemical Skin Peel

At the Selston Cosmetic Clinic, we use the most advanced laser technology, to offer a safe and effective way for treatment of mild to moderate acne scars.
Using our American FDA approved dual wavelength laser system, which is non ablative, meaning the surface of the skin remains unchanged, with virtually no down time. The gentle lasers reach deep down to the collagen level of the skin, the precise therapeutic laser energy stimulates production of collagen and elastin fibres and this dramatically improves the look of acne scars.
Clinic Manager.