As you can see she had a lovely result, it was much more refined and knocked years off her!
Lead Vaser technician
This lady came along wanting help with her inner thighs! She wanted a result where her tops of thighs did not rub together and a straighter outline. She had very lax skin but reasonable expectations.
Vaser Lipo gives at least 33% skin tightening so with this in mind she went ahead.
Then a liquid face lift at Selston Cosmetic Clinic is the procedure for you!
This lady was really upset at how quickly her skin was heading south, she is still fairly young and just did not know what to do about her problem.
Dr Bassi suggested the Liquid Face lift, councelled her extensively and explained she would get a nice result but to be realistic when comparing it to having major surgery.
Immediately after the procedure the client was amazed, she just could not believe what had taken place in 45 minutes. Judge for yourselves, these following photos were taken a week apart, the client was delighted and her confidence was through the roof!
Clinic Manager