This new skill would make Dr Bassi one of the handful in the country to be Vaser Hi-Def trained. We and 10 other doctors from around the world were descending upon the genius behind Vaser Hi-Def, Dr Alfredo Hoyos and his esteemed world renowned Vaser Hi-Def trainers, Dr John Millard and Dr David Broadway.

South America being the home of cosmetic surgery, we soon discovered that from late teens, most people were on the route to self improvement! Every young person had perfect breasts and any excess flesh lead them to the operating table to achieve bodily perfection.

After touring the beautiful city of Bogota it was soon off to work, a day of lectures was followed by five days in the operating theatres. Both male and female patients were given the Hoyos magic, he laughed and joked his way through procedures making it look as easy as washing dishes! The end results were truly amazing, men looked like they had been working on their six packs all their lives, women looked like they had stepped off beach babe calendars, everything perfectly honed and chiselled!

I being quite a cynic was totally in awe of this procedure and the talent behind the team. What a shame we were there for such a short time, i'd have jumped on the table and begged them to throw every available treatment at me!
The evenings were spent soaking up the Colombian culture, and dining in fine restaurants under the starry moonlit sky. We return from a fabulous, enjoyable, informative and educational trip ready to take our place as a fully officially trained Vaser Hi-Def centre.
Lead Vaser Technician
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