Friday 18 October 2019

Remove Chin Fat With Vaser Lipo - Nottingham, Derby, Mansfield & Chesterfield

Many people struggle with excess fat in the area under the chin, which is commonly called a double chin. It's very hard to hide a fatty chin and neck unless you keep your head held high all the time, trying to make your profile more flattering. And concealing it with clothing is only possible if you want to spend the rest of your life wearing polo neck jumpers or constantly having a scarf wrapped around your neck.

Having a double chin doesn't have to mean that you're overweight. Slim women are just as susceptible to getting a double chin as anyone else because of genetics, water retention or bad eating habits. Double chins and sagging jowls can affect anybody regardless of their body type, shape and size, and they can be very hard to get rid of.

A double chin can appear slowly due to a lack of exercise. Fat can settle under your chin when you put on weight and unfortunately it's not possible to spot reduce just your chin, so you'll need to lose weight and focus on reducing all of your body fat to lose your double chin. That said, there aren't any certainties that if you put on weight you'll gain a double chin or that if you lose weight, your double chin will go.

When there's a stored layer of fat directly underneath the chin, it can really affect the self-confidence for a lot of adults. Vaser liposuction is specially tailored to work well, even on small areas of fat, and is often considered a good choice for delicate areas such as the chin because it's able to target specific fat, without damaging the surrounding nerves.

The vaser lipo procedure begins with a saline solution injected into the chin, which will numb the area making it a painless process. Following the injection, small incisions are then made in the chin, and a small ultrasonic probe gets inserted, and this probe gives off high frequency energy to loosen the fat cells and smooth them, and the fat can then be removed from the chin using a gentle suction technique.

As the chin is such a small area, the vaser procedure should only take about thirty minutes and the recovery time is also short. You will need to wear a compression garment on your chin for a short period after your treatment.

Clinic Manager

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