Monday, 24 December 2012

Winter Savers! Our Latest Offers

Botox and fillers should always be injected by a skilled professional. There are far too many beauty salon offering these services and from client feedback they are not even sure if the person injecting was qualified! 

We have had a Winter saver on Botox and Dermal Fillers that has proved to be extremely popular. This is probably down to the economic climate, but the fact it is a very substantial discount and the person injecting is a highly trained and skilled Doctor helps!

We are extending the offer until the end of January for new clients and for all our regulars the offer will be on indefinitely! 

So call the clinic on 01773 861845 and get your 5 areas of Botox for £250 and Dermal Fillers for £250 a syringe!

Clinic manager

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